Mosquitoes and the weather is the chief topic, according to the Associated Press, as mayors in New Jersey and California inaugurate coast-to-coast direct dialing on…
Comments closedCategory: California 170
Alexander and Abby Clifton Fisher come to San Francisco in 1877. In 1879, Abby Fisher is presented the highest award at the State Fair in…
Comments closedMargaret “Maggie” Yee grows up dreaming of being a pilot like Amelia Earhart. She becomes one of only two Chinese American WASPs, serving in WWII.
Comments closedIn 1908, Sacramento becomes the first public library in the state to offer free access to all county residents. This is the beginning of California’s…
Comments closedAs the last fluent speaker of Wukchumni, one of many dialects of the Yokuts tribal group of the San Joaquin Valley, Marie Wilcox decides to…
Comments closedEmily Pitts Stevens occupies a hallowed position in the pantheon of early suffrage advocates in California. As a 25-year-old teacher of night classes for working women…
Comments closedOn October 24, 1884, Marietta Stow declares her candidacy for vice president of the United States on the Equal Rights Party ticket, during a speech…
Comments closedIn 1961, José Sarria runs for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and becomes the first openly gay candidate to run for…
Comments closedBaldassare Forestiere, born July 8, 1879, leaves his home in Sicily as a young man and immigrates to the United States where he works as…
Comments closedMiriam Matthews, often referred to as the “Dean of Los Angeles Black History,” is the first African American librarian in California. She’s hired as a…
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